Some say being in the darkroom was like being held by loving arms, being back in the womb, warm, peaceful, bliss.

Welcome to Profound Rest Retreat

hygienic darkroom retreats in Australia

• relief from distress and overstimulation
• recovery from exhaustion and depression
• restoration from trauma and disease

You can experience the most profound rest in extended periods of darkness – a dark room built to specs in the definitive bookhygienic darkroom retreat by Andrew Durham. This book is a complete guide, clear and rational.

The book is a manual on every aspect of hygienic darkroom. You can darken your own bedroom ensuite. You can build your own darkroom. It is all in the manual. You can also become qualified to offer hygienic darkrooms to others.

The hygienic darkroom is a safe, quiet, comfortable place to rest. While you rest, I make and deliver delicious vegan food. If you need me,  you can contact me by several means. I am available 24/7. I maintain a restful atmosphere around myself and the retreat.
I am your supporter and I protect your retreat.  Marion

see benefits

Info & Program 2024

Contact me

UPDATES  from Marion
Fri 15 Mar 24
I begin a supervised water fast. I am not contactable by phone. Please email instead. I will respond to your email on my return.
Sent Newsletter

Tues 19 Jan 24

I am back. I am contactable.
New Years Day 2024
Emailed Newsletter to Subscribers (over 60)

Tues 17 Oct.

I am on sabbatical for a while and I am not contactable.
When I return, I shall email an update or two.